In current times, there is a misunderstanding of faith. Faith as a belief as opposed to an action.
The current reigning theology is – If I do not hear a yes or no from God and take action, I will be out of God’s will.
This out of God’s will idea is not only incorrect, but it is also crippling exercises in faith and is one of the main reasons many are flailing in daily life struggles.
Contrary to this current idea, an active faith living radiates clearly in Esther’s story where “for such a time as this” is recorded.
Esther received zero guidance from God and exercised a significant step of faith despite receiving no words.
“Go, gather all the Jews to be found in Susa, and hold a fast on my behalf, and do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my young women will also fast as you do. Then I will go to the King, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.” Esther 4.
In addition to taking the first steps of faith there are other extractions from the Esther story that reveal how to be prepared for such a time as this.
Today you will learn,
- What surprising “skills” Esther cultivated to prepare for her, for such a time as this
- And hopefully see random God placed desires in your heart for a coming, for such a time as this, in your life.
But first, the peaks and valleys that need to be on your radar.
Let’s dive in.
The Mundane and The Glorious
In normal life, there is the mundane of everyday, and like Esther, occasionally there are supernaturally aligned stars, and heaven opens unusually.
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows if perhaps you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
C.S. Lewis captures this mundane and the glorious theme well in The Chronicles of Narnia.
In the Last Battle, a small band is on a long walk to get supplies when Jill says something like this to the unicorn.
“it always seems exciting things are going on in Narnia” The unicorn responds, “You are only here for the exciting times in Narnia. When you children are away, there are hundreds and hundreds of years, everyday being basically the same day.”
When these epic times arise, the ones able to pounce on the “opportunity” cultivated preparations of abilities during mundane daily living seasons.
What does this have to do with you and Esther?
The Glorious You
The language, “who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” And a different translation, “who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14.
Come to the Kingdom, attained royalty?
- Royalty,
- in the Kingdom,
- an heir…
All language which describes you.
Like your week this week, Esther embarked on hundreds of routine physical and spiritual activities to be prepared “for such a time as this.”
What was her focus?
Esther’s Skills
Many varied skills are necessary for on earth as it is in heaven to be experienced and yours will look different than everyone else.
What were Esther’s unique skills she possessed and used to save the world?
- First, she was beautiful; some of the beauty is DNA, yes. But even skin’s natural beauty can be hidden and unnatural body shapes can occur when a temple is unstewarded.
“Beauty treatments and a special diet” was her discipline that lead to freedom from Esther 2.
- Second, she was an incredible entertainer.
To pull off her stent, she invited the King to a feast that kept the King’s attention from his affairs not just once, but for two days.
Do you think this was the first party she hosted?
From Esther 7.
“And as they were drinking wine after the feast, the King said to Esther, “What is your wish? It shall be granted you. And what is your request? Even to the half of my kingdom, it shall be fulfilled.”
Then Esther answered, “My wish and my request is: If I have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it please the king to grant my wish and fulfill my request, let the king and Haman come to the feast that I will prepare for them, and tomorrow I will do as the king has said.”
Spiritual Skills That Save the World?
Esther’s beauty treatments with myrrh, spices, and ointments in a harem and entertaining with alcoholic wine were the preparations and skills needed to save the world?
Feels a little anti-religious like Richard Foster’s word art in Celebration of Discipline,
“Perhaps as you enter into a listening silence the joyful impression to learn how to weave or how to make pottery emerges. Does that sound too earthy, too unspiritual a goal? God is intensely interested in such matters. Are you?”
How to be Prepared
You feel it a little more every day, our world is at a tipping point, either we will slaughter each other with nukes and drone armies or
- Love and light will be the intention of humanity, and heaven on earth will be a reality.
What will be the catalyst of the latter and the diversion of what feels inevitable?
The answer is in William Law’s classic, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life.
“If true piety and exemplary holiness amongst Christians would be as common and visible as buying and selling, or any trade in life, it would change the whole face of the world.”
Change the Whole Face of the World?
True piety, the visibility of God at work in us, would change the whole face of the world?
“Like Gideon’s army, a committed minority of activists can have an impact far out of proportion to their numbers.” Moreland & Craig.
What “greater skills” do you need to possess to walk in this true piety and exemplary holiness that can change the whole face of the world?
For Such a Time as This
When opportunities or threats arise: The prepared, for such a time as this, are those that have with discipline stewarded the possession and use of
- Time
- Your body
- and Money
The three most potent kingdom assets the west is currently flailing in instead of with skill, conquering.
The Numbers are Easier than You Think
I received inspiration for this post and began writing it on 12/22/2019,
In no way could I have known that a couple of months later pandemic would strike and “for such a time as this” would be Googled more than ever in its history,
Instead of being a published blog: this message was a Google doc, unavailable to the “for such a time as this” googlers.
I probably thought it needed a little more editing, or maybe I thought it might be interpreted as off, and I would be ousted from Christianity or some other stuck and not stepping out in faith reason.
Whatever it was, I wasn’t staring death in the face like Esther but still, I was frozen.
What appearingly unspirital pursuits like beauty treatments and entertaining with alcohol have been put in your heart that you have brushed aside?
Have you also received inspiration to start a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel?
The whole face of the world will quickly change when.
“In most western countries, and especially in the Americas, those who now have formal membership in our Christian churches would be far more than enough and number to receive the reign of Christ… the ideals of justice, peace, and prosperity.” Dallas Willard
Hopefully soon, you, I, and other Christians that care will act on these seemingly random whims of inspiration to be disciplined as Esther did, unafraid of the consequences in a devout preparation for the current, for such a time as this.